FileMonkey automates common time consuming file operations.
This package can copy, move, split, search, replace, rename, alter case, generate lists, trim, truncate, crop, chop, set attributes, encrypt, decrypt, wipe, delete, extract and more
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If you are seeing the download warning on the right, click "Keep" to download the file. Alternatively, use a non Microsoft browser.
If you are unsure of any file you might find online, we suggest that you use the online virus scanning tool Virus Total to securely scan any file on the internet before you download it or, scan any downloaded file before opening it.
Rename files. Create directories based on names, extensions, creation, last accessed and modified dates. Make folders from custom text. Create folders by today's date. Move files to a new directory.
Import file lists from plain text source files and rename multiple files or create multiple folders.
New file or folder names automatically filtered for illegal characters. Edit entries and change extensions. Filter files by size, date and pattern and sort by name, date or size.
Automatically maximize, minimize, close or restore multiple windows. Target all windows or only specific windows. View hidden windows. Runs in the system tray.
Append data to the start or end of file names, folder names or file contents. Delete lines of text within files. Remove characters from folder or file names.
Work on many files in one go and filter files by date, size and pattern mask.