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How do I swap artist with song title on my mp3 file names

The following tutorial will demonstrate using FileMonkey to swap text before a hyphen (dash) with text after the hyphen in file names.

Note that if you want to edit the id3 tags within your mp3's, FileMonkey cannot do this.


Target your files. Click HERE for a targeting tutorial.


Once you have targeted your files, select the "Quick-Find, Rename" menu item from the main window.


This will open the "Rename" window (See Fig 1 below)

Fig 1
swap song title artist


Set up the "Rename" window exactly as it appears in Fig 1.

You will note that we have entered the following text in the "Start Text" box:

<TextAfterDash> - <TextBeforeDash>.<oldFileExtension>

Use the "<" button to enter the above tags (or copy and paste from the above line).


The first 5 files found in the target folder (excluding sub-folders) will appear in the preview pane. Check that the new filenames are correct before starting the operation.


When you are ready to begin this operation, click on the "Start" button.

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